SLUG med i ny bok om den internasjonale gjeldsbevegelsen

SLUG og Norges gjeldspolitikk har kommet med i en ny bok om gjeldsbevegelsens historie. Forfatteren Jean Somers har trukket frem hvordan debatten om illegitim gjeld endret seg fra at politisk ledelse avfeide begrepet til å bli en viktig del av norsk gjeldspolitikk.

Her kan du lese et lite utdrag:

Illegitimate debt fell even further outside the debt nébuleuse‘s regime of truth than did the concept unpayable debt, making it difficult to be heard by decision makers (Foucault 1980). The perception of the Swedish churches was that the "don‘t owe won‘t pay position is unrealistic and if you put this demand forward, you won‘t be invited to parliament or government, and then you are out” (Interviewee Sweden). The then Norwegian Minister for International Development advised debt groups working on illegitimate debt that they ran the risk of "not being heard.. of becoming irrelevant" with an official describing working on illegitimate debt as "shouting in the woods with a high risk of getting one‘s mouth filled with cones" (Abildsnes 2007, p.6).

Progress was eventually achieved on illegitimate debt. Influenced by Jubilee South, debt campaigners in Norway convinced their government to cancel debt arising from a lending programme deemed illegitimate (Abildesnes 2007). Norway also made funds available to UNCTAD and the World Bank to research the concept of odious debt in international law (Jubilee USA 2008), bringing the issue of illegitimate debt to the heart of the debt nébuleuse.

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